The Middle School hallways are alive with the energy and enthusiasm that students bring with them each day.
The success of deaf and hard of hearing middle school students is maximized through an academic model that emphasizes performance-based learning while also addressing the rigorous common core standards.
Since every middle school student is provided with their own iMac laptop computer, students quickly develop the technological skills to succeed in the 21st century.
Transitioning from elementary to middle school can be an opportunity for tremendous success when schools, parents, and students work together. Middle School is an exciting time as sixth, seventh and eighth graders explore their curiosity for learning through lively collaborative learning and hands on experiences. Students enjoy positive relationships within the school and outside of school. Friendships are forged during these important years. The Middle School’s Students successfully meet high expectations with the support of highly effective teaching and language rich classrooms.
For more information about Middle School, please contact the Principal of the Middle/High School program: Video Phone: (914) 688-1104 Email